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The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide: Five Complete Novels and One Story (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1-5)
Douglas Adams
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke
S M Boyce

The Spiral Effect: The Collector

The Spiral Effect: The Collector - James Gilmartin ** Update **

OK, so the author has advised me that this book (short story) is the first in what will be a series. Good to know because it is most definitely not a stand-alone book. Regardless, I still feel a book, even as part of a series, should have a beginning, middle and end. It doesn't have to fully end but there should be a sense of completion of some aspect of the story.

The premise was interesting enough that this could have easily been a four-star story for me. There are so many things you could do when almost all of humanity develops telepathy and has the ability to take over someone's body by mental force. The biggest issue I had was that very little happened in this book. I would say there were about three chapters worth and missing the other seven.

This two-star rating could possibly go up in the future depending on the next books. I guess we'll just have to see.


Original review from June 29, 2013:

WTF?? That was messed up. It had potential...a lot of potential. Unfortunately, potential just isn't enough. Not to mention there wasn't an ending....again. How do I find these books?