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Currently reading

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide: Five Complete Novels and One Story (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1-5)
Douglas Adams
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke
S M Boyce
Fire and Ash - Jonathan Maberry For those of you who think you might have to re-read Flesh and Bone as a reminder before starting this one, don't bother. The first ten chapters are mostly re-cap.

I don't want to give anything away with the review of this book so I can't tell you anything that happens but I will say that I was extremely pleased with the outcome. It answered all the questions and ended better than I could have hoped. It didn't, however, start as well as I hoped. In fact, the first half of the book was fairly boring to me and I kept putting it down to do other things. If you feel the same way after starting, please continue - it becomes an amazing story. I took one star away because of the boringness of the first half and the enormous amount of re-cap.