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Currently reading

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide: Five Complete Novels and One Story (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1-5)
Douglas Adams
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke
S M Boyce
The Island: Part Three - Michael Stark This is the best of the series so far. I think the author finally got into the groove - I couldn't put this one down. Things are getting tense, scary and just a tiny bit crazy. Really looking forward to the full story on what's happening.

The group is prepping the building in case of an attack. Meanwhile, there is a new person hanging around the island. Gabriel also has a boat and he's floating out by William's boat. When they finally meet, William learns that Gabriel has been attacked by one of the monsters and has a mangled leg full of infection. They make arrangements to sail to the mainland at night to get antibiotics to save Gabriel. The meeting with Elsie's friends on the mainland doesn't go quite as planned - one was infected by the plague and she instantly recognizes the same infection in Gabriel. After a very tense time, they do get back to the island where it has been decided that Gabriel's leg must be removed. This goes surprisingly well and everyone heads off for some well earned sleep....only to be awoken a short time later after discovering Gabriel has impaled himself on a broomstick.